Αειφόρα Ενεργειακά Συστήματα



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Στο Κέντρο Διά Βίου Μάθησης «ΕΞΕΛΙΞΗ», παρέχουμε ολοκληρωμένη ενημέρωση για Πτυχιακές και Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδέςστο Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick της Κύπρου (http://frederick.edu.gr/) σε συνεργασία με τη Unicert (http://unicert.gr/), αποκλειστικό αντιπρόσωπο του Πανεπιστημίου FREDERICK σε Ελλάδα και Βαλκάνια για τη προώθηση των προπτυχιακών και μεταπτυχιακών, δια ζώσης και εξ αποστάσεως προγραμμάτων σπουδών του.

Το εκπαιδευτήριο μας αναλαμβάνει την έγκυρη ενημέρωση των ενδιαφερομένων για οποιαδήποτε από τα προγράμματα του Πανεπιστημίου, χωρίς καμία επιβάρυνση.


Σχολή των Επιστημών της Αγωγής και των Κοινωνικών Επιστημών


Αειφόρα Ενεργειακά Συστήματα

The Sustainable Energy Systems program provides the graduates the necessary scientific foundations for establishing job positions, which will be created in the coming years in the field of energy planning, energy certification and energy upgrading of buildings. The progressing integration of the European directives into the Cypriot legislation regarding energy and buildings, creates new needs that continually induce the construction market in the search of know-how. The following areas are provided as examples:
- Energy certification of buildings
- Energy audits of buildings
- Energy saving in buildings
Integration of renewable energy sources (RES) in the building envelope Energy Renovation of buildings
The program also focuses on the production, transportation and energy management systems at the medium and large scales. The reduction of energy costs by employing renewable energy technologies, as well as the need for cost reductions of the energy have created in the recent years a dynamic liberalization of the electricity market. Furthermore, the impending penetration of the natural gas and the integration of the new fuel in the energy balance of European countries require the necessary expertise and graduate education, which the Frederick University and the Open University Cyprus aspire to provide through this program. Additionally to the aspects of production, transport and management, the program also approaches the thematic of environmental energy engineering, which currently has increased needs and limited expertise in the energy industry. Specifically, the program focuses on the environmental impacts of large energy infrastructure projects, but also the critical aspect of greenhouse gas emissions trading. The structure of the learning objectives is such that ensures both the acquirement of the necessary knowledge of this field, and the application of the testing methods and practices that are followed at the international level.

The objectives of the program are:
- Tο develop detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the core skills in rational use of energy sources, conventional (oil & gas) and renewable ones, in the power generation field and in the energy management, in the energy design of buildings and in achieving high energy efficiency of new and existing buildings;
- To obtain an in depth comprehension of the economics of energy, including the security of supply aspects, environmental costs and other externalities;
- To develop detailed knowledge on the assessment of performance of buildings and power production sites;
- To develop and use a significant range of principal and specialist skills, techniques and practices;
- To provide the expertise demanded by the necessity to implement the range of European Directives and national legislative acts in the energy and building sector and in the efficient use of conventional and renewable energy resources;
- To be able to apply this knowledge directly to complex applications;
- To plan and execute a significant project of research, investigation or development in a specialist area within the energy sector, demonstrating extensive, detailed and critical understanding;
- To critically review existing practice and develop original and creative solutions to problems within the energy sector and the domain addressed by the program, in corporating the marketing approach in order to capitalize on the solutions developed;
- To communicate and work effectively with peers and academic staff in a variety of tasks, demonstrating appropriate levels of autonomy and responsibility.
With the completion of the program the students are expected to:
- Acquire skills and experiences necessary for engineers who will lead the fields oil & gas extraction, processing, storage and exploitation in efficient and clean power generation technologies, of rational use of energy, of renewable energy systems, of energy design of buildings and of evaluating and improving a building’s energy performance;
- Become familiar with the content and philosophy of the European and global legislative framework on energy and to understand the processes and factors that lead to its development;
- Understand the contemporary global, regional and local energy issues and develop systemic, critical and creative thinking about their impact on economic activities;
- Become familiar with the procedures, instrumentation and analysis needed to enforce pertinent legislation, enhance the issuance of energy-related certification, and better facilitate the environmental labelling procedure and perform feasibility analysis;
- Be able to use effectively state-of-the-art software tools for energy design of buildings, for dynamic simulation of the building’s performance, for the evaluation of thermal comfort and indoor air quality conditions and for the optimization of sustainable energy systems’ selection and sizing;
- Become familiar with the processes followed for the development of energy, environmental and sustainability policies;
- Be able to gather information about the main local and international funding opportunities for improving the energy efficiency of residential, commercial and public buildings and infrastructure;
- Obtaining the necessary knowledge background so that they can become chartered in the professional chambers and association;
- Be capable of using research results in education, within their professional environments and in society.
Α) Κριτήρια Εισδοχής Απαιτούμενα δικαιολογητικά:

Content Επίσημα επικυρωμένα πιστοποιητικά ακαδημαϊκών προσόντων (πτυχίο ΤΕΙ/ΑΕΙ ή πανεπιστημιακός τίτλος εξωτερικού αναγνωρισμένος από ΔΟΑΤΑΠ, με αναλυτική βαθμολογία).

Επικυρωμένο Απολυτήριο Λυκείου.

Επικυρωμένο Αντίγραφο Ταυτότητας.

Δύο (2) φωτογραφίες ταυτότητας.

Αποδεικτικά στοιχεία γνώσης της Αγγλικής γλώσσας (αν απαιτείται).

Μία (1) συστατική επιστολή (Πρότυπο)

Έκθεση ερευνητικών ενδιαφερόντων (Οδηγίες)


Β) Προεγγραφή

Ο/Η ενδιαφερόμενος συμπληρώνει την αίτηση και επισυνάπτει τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά και τα αποστέλλει στο πιστοποιημένο συνεργαζόμενο κέντρο «Εξέλιξη»

Το κέντρο «Εξέλιξη» αναλαμβάνει την διαδικασία προεγγραφής του ενδιαφερόμενου με τον έλεγχο και την αποστολή των δικαιολογητικών στο Πανεπιστήμιο.

Το πανεπιστήμιο αξιολογεί την αίτηση και αποστέλλει αποδοχή ή μη της αίτησης εγγραφής.

Γ) Εγγραφή

Σε περίπτωση που το πανεπιστήμιο αποδεχτεί το φοιτητή αυτός καλείται να πραγματοποιήσει την κατάθεση της 1ης δόσης (Προκαταβολή) των διδάκτρων. Ακολούθως στο φοιτητή αποστέλλονται όλα τα σχετικά στοιχεία και πληροφορίες για να ξεκινήσει η φοίτηση.


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